This week’s tip is on writing VADs. Generally speaking each of your VISTAs should have a unique VAD assigned to them. There may be exceptions to this if they’re serving at different sites. VADs should have identical or a very similar overarching program goal at the top. Then there is normally roughly 3-5 objectives with another 3-5 member activities listed below each objective. A few other small tips:
“VISTA” should be in the title of your VAD.
The project period is the start and end date of your budget period, even if a member is starting after that date.
The objective dates should align with the VISTA’s service year and contain a time or time range of when you think the objective will be completed.
Make sure you are clicking in egrants “Add Member Activity” for each member activity you put and not lumping them all together in one text box.
Know that you can make changes to the VAD during the year. The VISTA member does need to be okay with these changes.
VISTA members and their site supervisors should know about their VADs from the start of the member’s placement if not earlier.
There are two checklists attached you can use as tools, as well as two websites below to help you out:
If you need help writing a VAD, get in touch with your Program Officer.